10 Tips to Overcome the Bonding Period
What is the bonding period? It is a period of time designed to help the integration of children into a new space, with new caregivers and a new stage in their lives. It is the process of turning the unknown (unfamiliar environment) into the known (a safe environment).
What is the goal? To help the new child so that their first days and moments in the new center are a positive and respectful experience, both for them and their family. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish mutual understanding among all parties (family, children, teaching staff), creating a relationship of trust that facilitates the child’s integration into the center.

- Adjust the Schedule: Start with a brief stay in the center, gradually increasing the time. Every child needs their own time.
- Comfort Objects: The child can bring an object that reminds them of home and provides security and comfort, such as a blanket or a stuffed animal. Avoid very attractive toys that may grab the attention of other children.
- Quick Goodbyes: Avoid prolonging goodbyes excessively; you must convey security to the child and avoid unnecessary dramas. Goodbyes should be firm, quick, and with a smile.
- Short and Concrete Messages: Avoid lengthy explanations and deceptions that may “comfort” the child, as they stop listening and the opposite effect occurs, causing anxiety. For example: “Dad will come soon,” “Mom will come after work.”
- Positive Language: It is important to talk to the child about the new center before their first visit, highlighting all the pleasant and fun things they can do there.
- Motivation at Home: Normalize the start of school, show enthusiasm for their progress. Create a relaxed atmosphere in their early days, allowing time for breakfast, getting dressed, without rushing and with calm.
- Consistency in Attendance and Schedules: Initially, children may exhibit various behaviors (tantrums, vomiting, crying) to avoid going to school. It is important for them to attend daily during this period and adhere to the center’s schedules. Establishing routines provides them with security and confidence.
- Time and Dedication: This new change can lead to insecurity in the child. After leaving the center, dedicate more time, kisses, hugs, games, and laughter than usual.
- Trust the Teaching Team: You have already chosen the center that best fits your expectations and provides security. The educational staff will address your concerns and doubts while ensuring your child’s well-being. It is advisable not to exchange information during the child’s farewell.
- Don’t Feel Guilty: You are providing them with a brilliant opportunity for their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. In the memories of a happy childhood, there is always a school, a teacher, and friends you played with during recess.