Summer International Montessori School Sotogrande Travel

Do you want to travel with children and don’t dare to plan everything?

Here are some tips to help you anticipate everything that might happen so that you can enjoy your long-awaited holidays! The best way to do it is not to be afraid, keep travelling and adapt a little to their routines so that they feel comfortable wherever you are. It is not an impossible mission. You…

Kid outdoors - Blog Post -Sports and Childrens Health - Extracurricular-activities-International-Montessori-School-Cádiz-Spain

Sports and children´s health

Sports: not just a physical boost for children – it´s great for their minds too. Anyone with children knows that they have to be active every day. Physical activity stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. Current research shows that the importance of this physical activity is stronger than ever. It can…

Girl Playing - Blog Post - Are you looking for a school where your child will be happy to learn? - International Montessori School in Sotogrande, Cádiz - Spain

Are you looking for a school where your child will be happy to learn?

International Montessori School is the school for you. Here are 10 reasons to choose International Montessori School: In short, International Montessori School can transform the intelligence that each child possesses into talent by designing stimulating, diverse, playful learning environments that are respectful of children’s time and rhythms. Once each child’s talent has been discovered –…


Keep your brain healthy – the added benefits of being bilingual

Before the 1960s, bilingualism was considered a handicap for children learning to speak because they had to expend too much energy distinguishing between languages. In fact, more modern research has shown that  this energy helps with a  number of executive functions, like being able to focus and problem-solving.  When you use two or more languages…

Playing or Working - A girl reading a book at International Montessori School - Sotogrande, Cádiz, Spain

Playing or Working?

There’s a common misconception that children at a Montessori school spend their whole time playing, and that they can do what they want. Neither of these are actually correct. Children are by nature curious and eager to acquire knowledge and skills.  They naturally interact with their environment, so the “prepared environment” is created for them: certain…

Montessori Education and the new World Order - Map with a man on top - International Montessori School in Sotogrande, Cádiz

Montessori Education and the new World Order

There has been much written in recent weeks about the changing face of education, and whether traditional schooling in traditional classrooms meets the needs for 21st century learning. The past year has certainly made us all re-evaluate how our children acquire knowledge, and experience their learning; I am sure all of us have wondered if the schools…

10 reasons to choose a school with Montessori Methodology - Student working with the abacus in class - International Montessori School in Sotogrande, Cádiz

10 reasons to choose a school with Montessori Methodology

1. Respect for the child. The child is the protagonist of his learning. The child chooses his own learning activities, according to his interest, level and style of learning. There is no pretension to create equal children: calm and passive children who spend hours sitting without attractive stimuli that capture their attention but we accept…

‘Niños autónomos, adultos inteligentes’ escrito por Olimpia Tarda - Niña haciendo yoga en un aula Montessori - International Montessori School en Sotogrande, Cádiz

‘Autonomous Children, Intelligent Adults’ written by Olimpia Tarda

“Could you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where—” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” interrupted the Cat (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll). Knowing where we want…

¿Es el método Montessori correcto para mi hijo:a? - Niña pintando en el suelo con peluche - International Montessori School en Sotogrande, Cádiz

Is the Montessori Method Right for My Child?

It is unlikely that a method characterized by its adaptability to the individual differences of each child would not be suitable for any particular child. Below, we will name the most relevant characteristics of this method in relation to its ability to adapt to each child: Considering these characteristics, it is clear that this method…

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